Alex Rodgers

Tell us about yourself as an artist/musician. What do you do?

I am a Live Sound Engineer. It is what I have chosen to learn and specialize in. I'm extremely passionate about it as I find it a lot of fun to mix live sets, work with artists in this atmosphere, all with vastly different personalities, and make sure all these artists sound fantastic for their shows to give the crowds the experience they came for.

How long have you been doing live sound, and what sparked your interest in live sound?

I’ve been doing live sound for a little over a year now. I started in an 80's bar where I was working security, and one day I asked their sound guy one day what he did. He invited me to come in for the sound check the next day but to be ready to work. I showed up that next day, and every week for the next year consistently. Through that experience, I learned more and more about the responsibilities of the job, as well as discovered my love for the work. 

Were you doing security guard duties at the same time while doing live sound?

Yea, I was. I would show up for sound check every Friday and Saturday between 6:00 and 6:30 pm. I would work for free on live sound from then until 8 pm. And then at 8 pm, I started doing security till 2, 3, or 4 am.

Tell us about your time at NOMU so far. Do you have a favorite memory or experience during your time here?

My time here has been so great. I’ve worked with so many wonderful people, great artists and musicians, smart and passionate teachers, and so it’s been a pleasure all around. My favorite memory had to have been Harvest Festival where I was able to run a set outdoors with a nice setup, lights, and everything. It just felt good that night, and now I get to look forward to NOMU Festival this semester, which I’m hyped for as it'll be even bigger and better. There are also so many people that I’m excited to meet for the first time. I’ve heard some of their music, and I’m looking forward to working with them. It’s going to be so much fun!!

When you're writing or playing live sound, what influences constantly inspire you as a musician/artist (specific artist, film, art piece, etc.)?

For me, it’s a lot of just listening to different genres. A lot of my inspiration, especially when mixing covers, comes from listening to the original cover. Getting the idea of how it’s supposed to sound, seeing how reverb and delay are supposed to feel, and things like that. From there, I try to recreate that but with my own flavor, since I come from an EDM/hip-hop background. I'm the type that always wants some heavy bass and huge-sounding kick drums. But depending on the genre, I would have to dial that back like with the rock, alternative, and 80's music I was trained with. It’s so much fun though being able to take what the original was and mix in my own touches. 

What are your plans or goals in your life now concerning school, music, or just personally, any other pursuits?

Right now, I’m trying to focus on getting an idea of everything in the music field. I’m studying production and studio recording, as well as more of the live sound stuff too. I want to get an idea of every piece there is to offer so I can run a production company, go on tour with bands, or do whatever else I feel like doing at the moment. I want to have the capability of doing what I want without having to slow down or move backward. At the moment, that road is working with Brady and getting as good as I can in the studio and live sound as possible.

Are there any hobbies outside of music that you're interested in?

I’m a big nerd. I’d say my biggest hobbies are probably video games and Dungeons & Dragons. I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons for the last ten years and I grew up playing all sorts of video games, rhythm and strategy being my favorites. Those two make up a good chunk of my life outside of music.

Some artists in the program are also fans of Dungeons & Dragons (Kezia and Michael Ortiz). Have you had any conversations with them about it?

We’ve talked about D&D a few times. We all enjoy chatting about it, the characters we've made, and the adventures we've gone on. It’s honestly so nice being able to work in this music setting, and at the same time, still get to connect with people on all of my passions outside of music, it honestly makes the job feel like home.

Is there anything you’d like to add, anything you want to tell whoever might be reading this interview, or anything you want people to know about you?

Honestly, try new things. Six years ago, I was going down the computer science route and was going to go sit behind a desk for eight hours a day, typing and reading code. However, I decided to try out different fields like business, video game design, and eventually music. It all started though because I just started asking people what they do and if they can show me. Doing that enough times, I stumbled onto what I love and I’ve been getting all the support from those around me because of reaching out and trying new things. 

I decided to do something interesting for the website where the last artist I interviewed can ask you a question. The last person I interviewed was Jack Martin and the question was, "Are you proud of where you're at? If yes, let them brag about it a little bit and let them explain. If not, what’s it going to take to get them there?”

I would say both yes and no. I’m very proud of actually finding something that I’m passionate about, being able to pursue it, and working with everyone I can. Knowing and continuing to learn as much as I have, I feel like I’m at a good place, not only where I am now, but also in the direction that I’m going with this. At the same time, I'd say no because I truly wish I found this sooner. I always wanted to work with music, but put it aside because I was told it doesn’t make money, and thought that I wasn't creative enough to pursue a field like this and make it anywhere. I wish that I didn’t take that as seriously, and I went into music right off the bat, surrounding myself with what I love instead of pointless classes and unfulfilling jobs. That being said, I’m here now and I’m happy where I’m at, I can't dwell on the past for too long.   

Keep in mind; you also get to ask the next artist a question, so what would you like to ask the next artist that I interview?

If you could change anything about your life, what would it be? Would it help with the dream you're pursuing now, or would it be a different dream? (See Nick Hyacinth’s interview for the answer to Alex’s question)